Is the InCorporate Trainer the right solution for you?
Small departments to entire companies spread across multiple locations have used our in-house programs. Currently, our largest project covers 1100 professionals based at multiple locations and our smallest project is for a department of 16.
Your challenges are specific to your organization, industry and business. Many of our clients share similar challenges. As your business continues to change and evolve, you need training solutions that change and evolve with you. We’ve collected our client’s common challenges below. We’ve also briefly highlighted how we have met these needs.
Managing size, scope and budget
Are you looking to train between 20 and 2000+ people?
The InCorporate trainer solution is fully flexible, based on your needs. You define your priorities and expectations, and then we develop the approach to help you meet your business needs.
Do you need to carefully manage training costs?
The InCorporate Trainer is a cost-effective solution with a transparent and extremely competitive rate. Plus, we help you to keep total training costs down by reducing “dead money” wasted on cancellations and no shows. We make training more effective through relevance, and we support your day to day business through on-the-job training and support.
Are you spending too much time on administrating and organizing training?
We actively support you and your training department to ensure administration is simple and practical. This means that you can focus on more strategic tasks. Some of our clients ask us to manage and coordinate the complete training program, others ask us to help them with specific tasks. Being in-house also means we can share responsibility for driving the learning and motivating the participants.
Ensuring training is relevant
Do you need your business English training to be relevant and easily transferable to your workplace?
Being in-house means we can consistently deliver relevant training that is engaging, motivating, and reflects your day-to-day reality.
Are you able to focus your training on your real needs and bring internal and confidential documents into the training?
Confidentiality is a basic expectation of all our clients. We sign your non-disclosure agreement, and win your trust and confidence by integrating. This allows us to help you improve the quality of your internal documents.
Working around staff and their busy schedules
How are you ensuring the right people, who are often the busiest people, are actually receiving the training they need when they need it?
All of our clients are challenged by days that are full of meetings, emails, and other tasks. We work with, and not against, that busy schedule by being flexible and using those appointments as training opportunities. Our trainers provide multiple training opportunities and, if we can’t get you into a training room, we come to you to deliver training on-the-job helping you address your business issues.
Are you looking for a flexible solution that fits around busy and changing schedules?
Our clients don’t want to waste money on cancellations. By being in-house, we have greater flexibility to easily reschedule training. Can’t make the training session at 9am? No problem, let’s reschedule to the next day and we’ll use the now free time slot to support somebody else.
Are your expectations of your staff changing?
Priorities and expectations are constantly evolving and our clients want to make sure that our training keeps up with these changes. Through regular review meetings, we can adapt and tailor both the overall training program and the actual content to reflect your changing needs.
Getting results that impact your business
How are you identifying clear and measurable goals which actually impact your business? And, how do you know they are being achieved?
You need to know if the training is impacting your business performance. Assessing training should go beyond “happy sheets” and levels. By using the Kirkpatrick New World Model, our experts can work with you to set up a realistic and easy to implement approach.
Are you seeing a real change in your staff’s performance when working in English?
A common request from our clients is that “people are less afraid of working in English”. By bringing the training into your department and being easily available to support you, your confidence will quickly grow. Performance isn’t just about confidence though. Your competence also rapidly increases as training is relevant and effective.
The InCorporate Trainer…
Offers a flexible solution that adapts to busy and changing schedules
Ensures that the right people receive the training they need
Uses your work situations and business documents as a basis for training
Takes responsibility for training organization and program administration
Focuses the training on your real needs and goals
Adapts when expectations of staff change
Provides training that is easily transferable to the workplace
Delivers training that is engaging, motivating, and reflects your day-to-day reality
Ensures training is relevant
Gets results that impact your business
Easy to implement
Business English in Action
English on the job – for the job
Our client has been a leading global provider of biogas plants since 1995. The company provides comprehensive solutions from one single source and has installed more than 500 plants worldwide. With a global customer base, being able to work in English has always been important. However the German parliament’s decision in 2014 to substantially reduce biogas subsidies made the need to sell and deliver globally a business-critical challenge. Being able to work confidently in English was now a must.
We developed a blended approach based around the core strengths of the InCorporate Trainer solution – flexibility, tailored training and on-the-job support. Business English training became job-specific and practical. When staff needed to write documents and mails, join meetings, or make calls, our trainer proactively provided on-the-job support. This then led to feedback, which in turn was used to further customize the focus and content of scheduled training (seminars, 1-to-1 training, groups and online). Finally, regular updating and reporting meant that the client had transparency and control over their training investment.
“The implementation of the training concept was very easy. Because of the structure we were able to set up a schedule in a very short time, organize assessments, assess language skills and directly start with the training.”
C. B-L, Head of HR
More about the Incorporate Trainer
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