Working effectively in virtual teams

Virtual Teams Skills Training

Practical communication skills that will help you and your virtual team deliver results.
Tools and techniques for building accountability within your team.
Implement tools to measure, monitor and improve your virtual team’s performance.

Working effectively in virtual teams

As virtual teams are now the norm for most global organizations, being able to contribute effectively and deliver results in virtual teams is a must-have skill. These five 2-hour modules are for all managers and specialists working in a virtual team, whether it be project, function or matrix. Full of practical advice, hands-on activities and tools that really work, the modules are delivered remotely using online platforms e.g. Skype for Business, Webex Training Center, Adobe Connect. This means you can train your team members no matter where they are based.

Your outcomes

  • Identify and develop key skills and behaviors to be an effective virtual team player
  • Practice practical communication skills that will help you and your virtual team deliver results
  • Improve the process and output from your virtual team meetings
  • Recognize typical challenges for presenting virtually and develop practical solutions
  • Acquire tools and techniques for building accountability within your team
  • Transfer the training back to your workplace with tailored feedback and a concrete change plan
  • Virtual Delivery

  • Modular Delivery

  • Face to face Delivery

Training content

Module 1

Working in virtual teams – the essentials
  • What is a virtual team? What are the challenges and opportunities they bring with them?
  • Horses and Zebras – why a virtual team is AND isn’t just like a traditional team
  • Sharing personal experiences, frustrations and learnings so far
  • Reflecting on the 6 key rules successful virtual teams follow
  • My virtual team health check – and now what?
  • Transferring back to your workplace – what, how, when and with who

Module 2

Communicating in virtual teams

The 5 deadly sins – how to destroy a virtual team through poor communication

  • Using the right tool for the right message
  • Adapting your message to accommodate global team members
  • Presenting in a virtual environment – the basics
  • The perils of written communication – and what you and your team can do about them
  • Building a communication plan – what, when, why and how
  • Transferring back to the your workplace – what, how, when and with who

Module 3

Mastering virtual team meetings
  • What makes virtual meetings different?
  • Making your technology work for you
  • Defining outcomes for team meetings
  • Key behaviors for the facilitator and participants in virtual team meetings
  • Discussing and deciding
  • Practical tips and tricks for helping get the best from everyone
  • Facilitating team meetings
  • Knowing when to break out
  • Debriefing in a virtual environment

Module 4

Being a successful virtual team member
  • Introductions for success – the value of team membership and team members
  • Establishing group and individual goals – the purpose pyramid
  • Identifying the characteristics of an effective team – and an effective virtual team
  • Setting the team bar as high as you can – how great teams do common things excellently
  • Practice makes perfect- building successful team skills together
  • Transferring back to your workplace – what, how, when and with who

Module 5

Being committed and accountable within a virtual team
  • The 5 dysfunctions of a team
  • Creating safe spaces – playing your part
  • Doing creative conflict well
  • Process of accountability – diving DEEP and ABC feedback
  • Measuring results together
  • Transferring back to your workplace – what, how, when and with who
  • Customized for specific audience

  • Supported by guided learning / elearning

  • Adapt and intergrate in existing program

  • Flexible group size

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